What You Should Know If You Have A Dog

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Dog ownership is a responsibility you have to take seriously. You must make sure your dog is always happy and healthy. Knowing what to do comes from learning; read the article below to find out more.
Are you now a dog owner, or have you been in previous years? If you answered yes, then you know how great it can be to own a dog. However, like with many other things, you can get a lot more out of owning a dog when you know what you're doing. This piece will offer terrific advice for any dog owner.
[http://yodaq.com/blogs/162766/255404/give-your-dog-the-proper-care-wi Give Your Dog The Proper Care With The Tips In This Article]
Hugs are great to give your pets, but kisses are not that great. Dog kisses are very unsanitary. You don't know where your dog's tongue has been, and you're better off not knowing. It is an old wives' tale that dogs have cleaner months than humans. It simply is not the case.
  [http://www.myfaceclick.com/blog/212816/dog-care-tips-and-tricks-for-new-dog-owners/ Dog Care Tips And Tricks For New Dog Owners] You should not kiss your dog. Dog kisses are adorable, but your dog's mouth is really dirty. Keep in mind that dogs drink from toilet bowls and eat whatever is on the ground. It's an old wives tale that your dog's mouth happens to be cleaner that a human being. It is not necessarily true.
  [http://community.babycenter.com/journal/start3whorl/10590769/what_you_should_know_if_you_have_a_dog Give Your Dog The Proper Care With The Tips In This Article] Just as you need to keep up with your annual doctor's appointment, your dog needs to see his vet annually too. Since your dog can't speak, it may be difficult to know when he is having health issues. Getting your dog checked up on annually will allow you to know if there are any problems.
Get your dog neutered. Research suggests that this small thing can give extended life to your dog by reducing cancer risk. Also, dogs that are fixed lose their desire to stray from the home, lessening the chance of them getting lost or hurt.
Because dogs cannot speak to you, it is important to learn their non-verbal cues. If you notice your dog is hesitant to meet a particular person or dog, don't force it. This may cause a human or the other canine to get bit. Watch out for those non-verbal clues and let your dog guide any actions you perform.
Speak with your vet to see how much you're going to have to feed your dog daily. The amounts on the label might not apply in your dog's situation. Speak with your veterinarian about what your dog's needs are and what amounts are proper.
Do not feed your dog from the table. That encourages him to beg and makes him not want his own food. In addition, table scraps are simply not good for your dog's health. They can cause obesity and other problems. Put your dog in another room while the family eats, and do not allow him to reenter the dining space until dinner is done.
Ask your vet about which foods he can eat. A puppy's stomach may not be able to handle particular foods, which may cause stomach issues. Be careful about which foods you feed your dog.
Allow your lifestyle to dictate the type of dog you adopt or purchase. Do not buy a dog that is lazy if you are very active. Also, if you like to stay at home, find small dogs that prefer sitting on laps and being stroked. Both of you are sure to be happier if you choose a good match.
Which breed you need to buy depends on your lifestyle. If you love to run, seek out a pooch that will love to run alongside you. On the other hand, a cuddly small dog may be perfect for those who enjoy a quiet evening reading on the couch. Keeping a mismatch out of play makes both of you happy.
Keep your dog�s nails trimmed. Once the nails start to curl under, they can cause your dog a great deal of pain. You can purchase clippers and do this at home. If you are not comfortable doing it yourself, you can take him to the groomers and have them done for very little money.
Keep your dog�s nails trimmed. Once the nails start to curl under, they can cause your dog a great deal of pain. You can purchase clippers and do this at home. If you are not comfortable doing it yourself, you can take him to the groomers and have them done for very little money.
If you have an outdoor pet, build a shelter for him or buy one that is ready to use. Particularly if his feet get wet, extended exposure to extreme temperatures causes stress and can lead to health complications. A roomy shelter that protects from the windy, rainy, and snowy weather is the best option.
[http://www.awebcafe.com/blogs/viewstory/2748308 Learn About Dog Care With These Tips] Do not force your dog to eat things. Some dogs won't love all treats, and you shouldn't push your dog to like something. Learn what he likes and what he doesn't.
Brushing your dog on a daily basis has other benefits aside from the fact that he will shed less fur on your furniture clothing. Brushing your dog every day helps its coat become beautiful and shiny. The reason for this is that brushing helps distribute the skin's oils throughout the coat to condition the fur and skin.
When buying your dog's food, do not get the cheap stuff. Overall, your dog will benefit form a lifetime of quality food. Though this may cost you a bit more, you can rest easily knowing that the dog is eating properly.
To prevent the hair around a dog's paws from matting, you should keep it trimmed. A comb should be used first to straighten it before you do any cutting. If you are not comfortable with this process, it would be a good idea for you to go and get it done by a professional groomer.
Having a dog is kind of a big deal, but with the tips you've learned, you should be prepared. Continue your research on dogs and the responsibilities for caring for them. You'll be able to take great care of your pet, and will have a fun little hobby. [http://www.nexopia.com/users/help9taurus/blog/4-handy-tips-about-correctly-caring-for-your-new-dog Give Your Dog The Proper Care With The Tips In This Article]
When buying your dog's food, do not get the cheap stuff.
[http://www.awebcafe.com/blogs/viewstory/2748308 Learn About Dog Care With These Tips]

Version du 30 juillet 2013 à 18:50