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Parajumper kodiak man
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We had all had enough of lowslung belts, tiered gipsy skirts and straw cowboy hats and out they went, along with a look equally beloved of Kate Moss, and stylemongers from Elle Macpherson to the Olsen twins. Both men and women love to wear the renaissance dress in combination with modern dresses. Chrissy is organizing a fashion show for Cinderella's Closet, a charity that gives prom dresses to underprivileged or as Chrissy puts it, nonprivileged girls. Are you searching for cheap evening gowns for the special occasions? Do you like the pleated chiffon material or a ruched empire bodice which can let you look like a princess?If yes, please read this following tips carefully, so you can pick up the perfect evening dress. <br>[http://www.teamrahim.ca parajumpers salg] Zengeler Cleaners supports the project by inspecting each donated dress, making necessary repairs and cleaning them at no charge, then delivering them to the "shopping boutiques" in perfect condition for prom night so the dresses are ready to help create very special memories for recipients. Trust and believe in our beauty products. <br>[http://www.teamrahim.ca parajumpers jakke] Charge a nominal entry fee to your class and you'll find that many families will flock to your knowledge and service, and you will develop a home based business in the process. Things for example , spinach, broccoli, avocado, the with those of with excess weight heading on your benefits and a drawbacks .. "I think it's just one of those cyclical things, you know the art schools are producing a bunch of good people" says wellknown British fashion historian Colin McDowell who is helping foster new British fashion talent via a competition called Fashion Fringe. Chester Times (Newspaper) October 4, 1957, Chester, Pennsylvania Remember the Legal Legal Notice told hearing oa j James W Jane 18 M Council and JOSEPH AND 1 Daylight Saving Time as the outside oj the ea MARGA COCK DlL 1572 DOROTHY his wife SET MAST OGDEN and S H ADEL also knows as and any and an cf the DIRECTORY o a mark to the outside oj the en Proposal for Sanitary SeTer A check or bid bond sa the amount of ten per total amount bid mast ac Directors Cemetary Lots of Thanes Dei Co Book CS as a s St at ttf oi S w froa side cf Second Ave side e St for Wanted FINANCIAL io Loan ari oi ar to asi show cause sa ce shoud you or forever as hen or jr r tie vrir or as set fani A JR STATS JBOY tie Estte in who E claims or tie Estate o the tbe icTo io ices arc their related bjy or take by Rift to lease ass saci real estate and improvements as ziv se for the lawful and use of ts as purposes aid w and furnish tn same and to use operate maintain said ani for such objects our be seemed properly lawful i sJC purposes CHARLES H MASTER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thi Lexers of been granted la the estate herein Ail persons hav iss claims or demands the eite o the within decedent are requested to make known the sime aid all persons indebted to Bonds Storage Tuning S Jr oi isee Maor Anthony o 612 Vency Road Morton Pa tne funeral serv ics Saturday 2 pm Pa Interment Arlington Cemetery There will j be ao Friday evening Oa October 1 1957 j Lucille ct 3420 W St wife ol Champ mother of Lauretta sister o Sarah Small Relatives and Mends are ia to attend the serv ices afternoon 2 oclock Wanted Female Male Courses etc C 4 Supplies Wanted MERCHANDISE FOK SALE For Sale Equipment Exchange and O Fuel Trees Products Garden Equipment Television Goods Motors Accessories Needs and Tools Merchandise Public Sales FO Rent Buy BOARD With Board Without Board and Beard Wanted ESTATE FOK KENT Furnished Unfurnished Property To Rent j Tor Rent For Seal For Lake Prop tn Seat Rest KEAL ESTATE FOK SALE Salt Property For Sale For Sale Houses For Sale Mountain Lake Proo to BUT or Exchange ESTATE FOK SALE OK KENT j Tires Pans For Hire Garages Serv Sta Painting For j v Bay Cars Hdo MoU 31 General duties IE and Call in person Media Fuel and Supply Co 523 Art LINOTYPE OPERATOR to Sa suburban shop O location Cafl fr OPERATORS Machine LayOut Man Planers Vertical and Horizontal Boring Mills Milling Machines Experience necessary Read prints New Improved Rates Overtime and Benefits United from Spencer Cburch 3rd Jeffrey S s Friends may call Friday de 7 to 9 ITT Lost and lost in of ciester Times office 3 Bassett hounds 2 male 1 large tan and white 1 medium blick brown and white Wearing Del Co tags Kindly notify SI Regard Miscellaneous 28 ANODIZING Delaware County company will anodize your alu alloys Interested should to Box Chester Times Call CHester 34910 FOR REPAIR SERVICE ON DOOR CLOSERS MACHINE SHOP SERVICE J T CONNOLLY SON 33 W THIRD ST the who request ali persons having claims cr x Estale of thr to make tie and all indebted i a the to men without deter to T 10 j Hist Fifth Street Chester sylvania OFFICE POLICE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION BOROUGH OF LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE FOR POSITION OF PATROLMAN THE POLICE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION OF THE BOROUGH ESTATE OF ALBER deceased S OF WILL APPLICATIONS RE FOR ouest harins j OCLOCK NOON OCTOBER 35 Jje En ate 1357 AT THE BOROUGH OFFICE oi tie decedent Io maie REAR OF THE FIRE HOUSE th saae and all ini to the decedent to make APPLICANT MUST BE MALE without delay toI AGE 21 TO 40 YEARS A RESI STEVENSON IIS Edi DELAWARE COUNTY Street Chester AT LEAST ONE YEAR A US CITIZEN NO EXPERIENCE IS St Church at AM Friends call Friday I MURPHY On October 3 1957 Mary nee wife of Ed J Murphy of 1018 Upland St EYE GLASSES day Relatives and friends also j service DR PHILIP BVM Sodality of St Michaels 6th St CHester 28334 Church are invited to attend the Monday morning s oclock from E F White Funeral Home E successor 3rd and Norris Sts Solemn Mass FRANKS TREE SERVICE experience 218 Scheivert Ave CH 43593 j LAWN Mowers sharpened set re DENTAL PLATES repaired and j paired up to remade same day Dr J Much 1215 Providence Ave CH of Requiem Church at 10 St Michaels oclock Friends may call Sunday evening Inter ment St Patricks Cemetery Sennett Square vania or to her Attorney P LAHKIN Jr deFuria Lar 410 Welsh Street Chester Pennsylvania NELLIE BJAMES late of the City of Chester Je ceased Testamentary on as above Estate have been to the who persons having claims or against the of ins to make known the same and all persons indebted to rifle decedent to make without delay o JAMES HATTON Ex 13th and Walnut Chester Pa or to her Attorney PAUL LANE WES 419 EiK i Ave Chester Pa CAROLYN B THICKER Late of the Borough of deceased Letters Testamentary on the BE HIGH SCHOOL OR ITS EQUIVALENT HEIGHT NOT LESS THAN 5 FT 8 IN WEIGHT NOT LESS 140 POUNDS CHEST INCHES EXPANDED A CERTIFICATE OF PHYSICAL FITNESS MUST BE SUPPLIED BY THE COM MISSIONERS PHYSICIAN THE COST THERE OF TO BE BORNE BY THE APPLICANT TO BE PERSON ALLY RESPONSIBLE DURING SPECIFIED TIMES FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF ORDER ENFORCEMENT OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES AND THE PRO OF LIFE AND PRO on October 2 1957 Hasband of Ella Scruggs father cf Geneva Beverly and Ross Jackson Relatives and friends are in to attend funeral services Monday Oct 7 at 12 oclock Interment Beverly National Cem etery evening from 6 PM from the Coffee Funeral Home W St Chester Oct 1 1957 Clin ton B husband of Lois Bender Thornton of 340 W 21st St 62 years of age Relatives and friends are In to attend the funeral on Saturday morning 10 oclock I Funeral Home Kerlin Sts Friends may call Friday evening Interment Lawn Croft Cemetery have been granted who request IS persons having claims or dc against the Estate of the to make known toe same and all persons indebted iio the decedent to make pay delay to and MARY THICKER 35 Part Ave Swarthmore Pa Executrices or their Attorneys MATTHEW GEARY t RANKIN 5th Market Sts Chester Pa STATE OF T BOHR ER late of the Borough of Eddy alone deceased Letters of Administration on above Estate have been granted to the undersigned who all persons having claims or demands against the Estate of the decedent to make known the same and all persons Indebt ed to the decedent to make pay without delay to MARVIN BOHRER SR 230 Fernwood Avenue Folsom Pa Adminis trator or to hs Attorneys MATTHEW RANKIN GEARY RANKIN 5th and Market Sts PERTY AND TO HANDLE j 3 1957 Harry OTHER RELATED TASKS AS SIGNED BY SUPERIOR OF SALARY PERIOD OF PROBATIONARY 6 MONTHS AT ANNUALLY UPON REGU LAR APPOINTMENT AT ANNUALLY ATIONS SUBJECTS MEDICAL WRIT TEN INTERVIEWS CHARACTER INVESTIGATION IN EVENT OP EQUAL TION PREFERENCE WILL BE GIVEN TO RESIDENTS OF BOR OUGH OF NORWOOD PA NOTICES OF EXAMINATIONS WILL BS SENT TO EACH ELIGI BLE APPLICANT IN DUE TIME APPLICATION BLANKS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE POLICE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION BOROUGH HALL NORWOOD PA POLICE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION R A GATES SECRETARY Proposal ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS The School District of the Town ship of hereby solicits bids for one U new sixtysix 66 passenger capacity school bus Instructions to Bidders General Conditions Specifications Form of Proposal and Form of Contract to ESTATE OF J WILLIAM be by successful bidder SOP Also as JOHN W j or bidders are available at the GLOSSOP deceased office of the Secretary Gladys M Letters Testamentary on the j 209 Osceola Avenue Les Estate have been granted te the undersigned who request will be publicly at fll persons having claims or de meeling of the Board of School against the Estate of the to be held Octo to make known the j ber at same and all persons Indebted i at oclock PM East ito the to make pay trn Daylight Saving Time ment without delay toTHE THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE TOWNSHIP OF GLADYS M WATKINS BANK Fifth and Market Streets Pennsylvania or to its JOHN H CLARK JR 2 Street Chester ESTATE OF JAMES S BUNKER BOROUGH OF UPLAND Proposal The Borough of Upland sealed bids for Revisions to known J S tbe Heating System in the Upland Testamentary on the Estate have been granted 50 the undersigned who persons having claims or de against tbe Estate of the decedent to make known the and all persons indebted tha decedent to make pay ment without delay to THE PHILADELPHIA NATIONAL and SALLY F BUNKER Executors Fifth and Market Chester or to their LLOYD GOMAN ESQ Colonial Chester Municipal Building Castle Avenue and Main Street Upland Delaware County Pennsylvania Plans and specifications tions to bidders etc may from Clifford E Garner Architect 10 South 18th Street Philadelphia 3 Pa Sealed bids wilt be received and publicly read at PM Octo OF EVELYN N WHITE MAN also known as EVELYN deceased Letters testamentary on the ber 8th 1957 at the above men building Proposals must be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond payable to the Borough of Upland in an amount not less than five HITE per e basic bid F son of late Isaac and Flor ence Vernon of 1505 Harvey Road Delaware Due notice of funeral will be given Funeral Directors Ninth and Madiron Phone Florists Cemetery Lots 3 Funeral Baskets and Sprays Iran CHester Sth 4 Concord Ave CH FTP and TDS Member i GRAVE Sermon Oa The Mount Glenwood Memorial Gar dens LU 32576 Cards of Thanks wish to thank relatives friends and neighbors Priests of St Michaels mem bers of Holy Nam Society blood donors Fire Co Doctors and Nurses of the University of Pennsylvania Hos pital for floral offerings kind ness and sympathy during the illness nd death of my husband and father Joseph Corridean MRS CORRIDEAN and daughter MARY t wish to ly thank Rev Monsignor Peter Klekotka and clergy of St Hed wigs Church St Choir 518 Ameri can Legion Post 546 Firing Squad of the Phila Naval Base Past Commander and present Stanley Kogut and Ted Bush for their cooperation White Eagle S and L Assn Polish National 1 Alliance Citizens Club St Catho lic Club American Viscose Corp Pipe Shop Jet Depi Tex tile Workers Union of America No 19 Sun Oil Co Sun Oil Zone 2 Sun Oil MBA and Welfare relatives friends and neighbors for Masses floral offerings cards and for the use of cars and for all the kindness and help the death of and father MRS JOSEPH and FAMILY In Memoriam which shall be forfeited if the bid der fails to execute contract docu ments within ten 101 days The successful bidder must furnish j and a labor and same and an persons indebted j bond fo the full amount of to the decedent io pay each In the form without delay to vided COM the pro So bidder may withdraw his bid ESTATE OF MARIETTA HANN deceased Letters Testamentary on the above estate have been granted to the undersigned who request al persons having claims or de mands against the Estate of the to make known the By order of the Upland Borough Council MILTON MELVILLE Secretary 500 Wake Road Upland Pennsylvania PROPOSAL Sealed Proposals will bc received CH GREMMINGER In loving ory of my father and our grand father Charles Gremminger on his birthday More and more each day we miss him Friends may think the wound Is healed But know the sorrow Lies within our hearts concealed Sadly missed by daughter MARGARET and grandchildren PATSY and CHARLES 405 Beauty Parlors 10 PROFESSIONAL PERMANENTS Can for 21530 Sep Tanks 11 SERVICE AND CONSTRUCTION Wm K CH All Cesspools Tanks Cleaned Anywhere Anytime Lowest Prices Call WmS or CH 38220 CESSPOOLS CLEANED BUILT Trenching service Free esti mates H D MILLER Valley brook CARPENTER laying plastering cementing reason able CH 35645 D E CLENDENNING General Contractor Concrete Brick wort W 2nd CH 50303 FIREBRICK work new and repair Commercial Residential build ing Chimneys repaired built JOS Remodeling all kinds Plastering cement stucco carpentry new kitchen bathrooms modern porch enclosures with aluminum dows and screens CH 34007 CARPENTRY Home Repairs Reasonable EDWARD garages complete alterations Financing Electrical Service 14 Sewing machines vacuum cleaners Parts and repairs Phone Livingstons at 3rd ALLIED Refrigeration Serrice fn refrig washers dryers ranges freezers conditioners CHester 27710 EAST END REPAIRS SERVICE Electric and wringer type washers tors dryers Sth St CH 24036 Radio Television 15 ACE RADIO TV OFFERS FOR ONE MONTH ONLY Redeem This Worth To our service man toward your wort fully itemized and guaranteed Pickup andde livery service StsCH 36654 loving memory of my husband Charles on his birthday Youre not husband dear Nor ever shall you be As long as life and memory last I shall remember thee Sadly missed my wife MAR GARET loving memory of our son and brother Ernest Wil ISams Jr who died one year ago Oct 3 1956 The call was sudden the shock severe BOOKOUTS All makes of Radio Television repairs MOTOROLA fe 622 Concord Chester Ph 34322 Eureka 3207 Highland TV Sendee 2608 Smithers StCH Radio Vision Service Co RADIO SINCE 1923 Exp Courteous Capable repair service on all makes of radios and 39193 Record Recorders Auto Home Radios Repaired EUREKA APPLIANCE CENTER 12th Morton Ave CH 28622 Goodman Radio Sendee EXPERT GUARANTEED Service on all make radio TV sets 9th Ashland Eddystone CH 25171 Floors New Old 16 SQ FT ALL SIZES IN STOCK LE Plumbing Heating 17 James J Greenhalgh Registered J 517 w 13th St CHester 33572 this well known 4 pc orchestra for your next oc casion LU NEW LAWNS graded and seeded Diesel tractor front loader any kiad tractor work CH EMPLOYMENT Employ Bureaus 29 DELAWARE VALLEY Employment Agency 717 MADISON ST CH 30153 Licensed Employment Agency INTERVIEWING HOURS Daily 8 to S Evenings Mon fe Wed 7 pm Hsio Wanted Female 30 BOOK and bookkeeper assistant 5 day week Write stating age experience educa tion and salary desired to Box CASHIER Part time afternoons and Saturdays Call LO 66327 be experi Call foe Delaware River CH appointment Ferry Co Experienced registered Nurse in home for aged Media Call Dr Jaffe Monday Tuesday day between 2 and 3 PM LO 70319 In modern AD electric appli ances Cleaning care of children bus at door Private room TV 67005 HOUSEWORK General modern home Call KI requires young preferably age 23 to 45 Should be able to type policies and bills quote additional and return have agency experience 5 day week Shorthand helpful but not re quired Salary to Apply by letter or call for appointment JAS V CASEY INC Fidelity Chester Bldg CHester 37283 LUNCHEONETTE part time to Apply Ridley 14 E Hinckley 21931 Ave Ridley PBX OPERATOR and TYPIST Apply P O Box 4 Chester Pa also must have knowledge of PBX board Desirable position in center of town 35 hour week Please reply In own handwriting to Box Chester Times SALESWOMEN All departments experience not necessary We will teach you if you have a high school education Stotters Dept Store 3rd Market Sts Chester Stenographers A large chemical research organization in lower Dela ware County needs pleas ant neat appearing girls with the ability to get along with people Grad of hieh school com course with short hand essential Experi preferred but not necessary Write to Box Times for In surance Real Estate office Must be neat typist good at shorthand accurate with figures Age 21 to 45 preferred 5 day week Salary to Apply by letter or call for appoint ment JAS V CASEY INC Bldg CHester 372 some ed experience to work in la good working con ditions lunch furnished Call personnel 45 HOSTESS PARTY PLAN has become so popular that we need extra representa tives locally for 3 hours afternoon or evening Car sary Write Mr Newton Ludlow St Upper Darby THINKING OF 21 MAKING A CHANGE ERVIN J HOCH CH 27166 22 THEODORE SMITHERS Zs 410 Welsh Street Chester side Furniture Storage death j Lane Pa at which cannot divide time and place all bids will be J Deep in our hearts a memory Is I publicly and read for the kept CK I HARVEY ALLCUTT Letters of Administration above Estate hiving bfen granted to the persons indebted to the said es sre requested to make pay asi those claims present the same without de lay 10 GEORGE J DRAPER Administrator 329 East State proposal are on file and may be obtained from the of Damon Foster Engi Chester Pike and High St Sharon Hiil Pa Address a to Mr J Paul Palmer Secretary of the Board of i Commissioners Nether Providence Township and mark on the outside the scaled Proposal IEL Personals Decorating 24 A BETTER DECORATING JOB Painting Steam WaH Scraping CHARLES A WHITE CH 38130 One of the better positions in Delaware County Fully experi clerk typist for newly cre ated situation Above average wages pension Insurance hospi paid Write fully to Box Chester Times UNIX plus com mission for managing a small selling Americas most distinctive China Car nec essary Call WAITRESS Experienced Apply Rainbow Diner Green Sts Marcus Hook Pa WAITRESSES Experienced only Apply In person Howard John son Baltimore Pike Provi r ERNEST L GREEN New Wedding Gowns to Formats and Party dresses to BETTY BRIDAL HOUSE 24015 AUTO DRIVING INSTRUCTIONS Avenue Media Penna NOTICE HEARING n the Court of Common of Delaware County a or i for 8 Outfall JR A certified check cash or bid LEARNERS PERMITS SECURED n the en 10 Pcr cent of the total amount bid i CUSTOM TAILORED Clothing at mart accompany each Proposal Popular Prices Formal Wear 1 The Commissioners for Nether Provident Township reserve the right to accept bid or to rc Rehrman 43 E Sth St No 845 Term 1957 in the iay or al for aav cause Matter of the of and to waive anv ia BUREAU OF formalities n the bids DELAWARE COUNTY Notice is hereby that te Court has H as to By Order of the Township Com missioners J PAUL PALMER Secretary AND ELASTIC STOCKINGS Most reasonable prices Also Sunday AM to 2 PM CENTRAL DRUG CO Stb and CH Use make a report to the Court as o of Nether Providence the propriety of and that BOROUGH OF Sealed will be received by the Members of the Borough of Del Co Par until p m Monday October 7 1957 at which time Council will convene in reg ular session In the Council Cham ber cf the Municipal Building Boulevard and and read al bids received j for removal arid of 459 ft more or less of 8 terra cotla pipe sanitary sewer In Wayne I I all bids to the Borough Times Want Ads GALA Tea Sandwiches to 100 price on filling will not be responsible for any debts other those contracted for by myself KENNETH E OWEN 303 Rd Pa RIDE WANTED Farms to Marcus Hook to SALE Friday and Saturday 9 S Lansdowne Ave Clothes shoes china rtc desires dally to and from Me dia Working hours No Saturday be dependable CH 33145 home papers SOTe off on wallpaper Bernero CH 3842 EDWARD KING Painting and Wall Scraping CHester 36498 GILBERTS Steam wall scraping interior and exterior CH 47082 PAYMENTS PAPERHANGING PAINTING Harry J PAINTING INTERIOR EX Free Estimates CH 52941 JAKE EBRIGHT 2119 Ave Linwood Pa to 3 relief and part time Peter Pan MacDade Blvd to 2 Apply in person Town House 117 South Ave Media WOMAN to attend refreshment stand in State Theatre Chester 4 matinee and evenings all day Saturday and Sunday Apply at theatre Tuesday 10 am to 12 noon PAINTING and odd jobs R VITELLO XI 42235 done by Nino a room 813 W 8th St Phone CH 36296 Quality Reasonable JAMES GILLESPIE 128 W 21st VENETIAN BLINDS Custom washed recorded S J BOOTH CHester 31117 WALLPAPER remover for rent Standard Co Cor Sth Edgmont CH 25410 Refinishing Repairs 26 bedroom furniture re modeled Living room furniture repaired Es CH WOMAN over 25 to live In Oxford Md help in store and cottages in exchange for good home and small salary CH before S PM WOMAN Care for child while mother works one who prefers good borne to high wages LE Dependable fry donuts Ice cakes make self generally useful Apply The Pastry Mart Counter clerk day or evening Apply Franks Delica tessen 19 S Orange Media WOMEN part time day work or fulltime night work for deli Call LE by only show fashionable Sarah Coventry Jewelry opening Is also for a unit manager In the Delaware County area For Inter view and application call CH or SALESMAN If Yon Are to work and haire the ambition to ahead here Is a great opper lor We offer Salary A Commission Flan Bine Cross Vacation Plan<br><br>If you adored this article and you simply would like to obtain more info concerning [http://www.slingplan.com parajumpers salg] kindly visit www.slingplan.com.
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