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Take A Look At These Handy Iphone Tips
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Perhaps you have a new iPhone and you are ready to load it with a bunch of cool apps. However, how do you know where to find them? This article has many tips to help you get the apps you need on your iPhone. [http://avtolubitel.org/blog/24327/guide-on-how-to-maximize-your-iphone/ Take A Look At These Handy Iphone Tips] With an iPhone, you don't have to worry about getting lost anymore. The map application that is included in your phone's software will allow you to see your location anywhere that you have service. This makes it easy to find your way home, or locate somewhere new if you have never been there before. [http://people-time.com/blog/43419/top-tips-for-maximizing-your-iphone-experience/ Top Tips For Maximizing Your Iphone Experience] Remember to update the phone as updates become available. This will help ensure your phone is working as fast and efficiently as possible. Updating your phone regularly also ensures that you back up your phone in case you lose or break it. When using Safari, you can make a phone call with a single tap. Perhaps you are searching for a local grocery store. Once you locate a telephone number for it, you do not need to return to the phone feature to call it. Just press the number; you then connect to the place you are trying to call. A protective screen is a wonderful investment for your iPhone. Those who do not use screen protectors run the risk of incurring scratches on the screen. Even tiny pieces of dirt hidden on your finger may scratch an unprotected screen. Make sure to always protect the screen of your phone. Keep in mind you don't have to always need to press X each time AutoCorrect pops up to suggest a correction. Rather, just tap any portion of the screen. The suggestion box will close. Handy dictionary shortcuts can be created on the iPhone. There's no reason your iPhone shouldn't anticipate the words you want to use. Your phone can be programmed with many shortcuts and phrases. Auto-correction of mistyped words is another handy feature. [http://www.fizzlive.com/member/442170/blog/view/774491/ Iphone Tips Many People Don't Know About] Do you want to use a shortcut to get to the camera option on your iPhone? Here's a quick, easy shortcut to help prevent this problem. Make sure the device is locked and push the Home button two times. Then you'll see a camera icon at the bottom right. Hitting it will instantly throw your iPhone into camera mode. Is the process of loading the camera app slowing down your photography and hampering your shutterbug skills? Use this shortcut instead. When your screen is locked, press the Home key twice. A camera icon should pop up somewhere right near the screen's bottom. Finally, just tap on the camera and your camera should work immediately for your use. Most iPhone users take a lot of photographs. You may find it difficult to sort through the photos you've taken after you take a lot of pictures, however. Keep your pictures organized with the iPhone album. The Album is a great way to keep your photos available for viewing. The article above has hopefully served as a great learning tool to help you get better acquainted with your iPhone. Understanding the operations of your iPhone will make it a more useful tool for you each day. Use everything you have learned, and enjoy your iPhone all the more.
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Take A Look At These Handy Iphone Tips
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