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Take A Look At These Handy Iphone Tips
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Perhaps you have a new iPhone and you are ready to load it with a bunch of cool apps. However, how do you know where to find them? This article has many tips to help you get the apps you need on your iPhone. Keep up on all of the new updates for your phone as they are released. When you update your device, you'll have all the fixes, updates, and other important things your iPhone needs. This will allow you to keep a backup of all your pictures and information so you do not lose everything if your phone is damaged or lost. Remember to update the phone as updates become available. This will help ensure your phone is working as fast and efficiently as possible. Updating your phone regularly also ensures that you back up your phone in case you lose or break it. Siri has the ability to set reminders based on location. You don't have to tell Siri to remind you to do an action at a specific time. Instead, you can request: "Siri, tell me to contact the office when I reach my home." The phone will know when you are at home, and it will give you a reminder to call the office. This helps when you have no idea what time you will be arriving at home, and lets you set a reminder. [http://www.makemesustainable.com/groups/449900 Take A Look At These Handy Iphone Tips] The iPhone works pretty well as a navigation tool. Use the map as GPS when you want definite directions, or when trying to find gas stations or grocery stores en route. The iPhone allows you to bookmark the map tab so you can access it quickly and easily. It is not necessary to close out an autocorrect suggestion by pushing the "X." Simple tap away on your screen to eliminate this alteration. The suggestion box might be wrong, or you could intentionally have spelled the word that way. [http://www.plus.friendite.com/blogs/292318/472907/top-tips-for-maximizing-your-iph Guide On How To Maximize Your IPhone] One useful application allows you to upload and save files to your iPhone. You are able to upload videos, music or pictures and text files. Then, you can easily transfer them to any computer via the phone, or just access them directly from the phone itself. There are a lot of multimedia capabilities that you can use when you are playing with your iPhone. Some of these include downloading television episodes or different comedy clips from websites. The Safari browser on the iPhone allows you to do virtually everything you can do on a large computer, and that includes bringing images down from websites. Simple tap and hold the image you wish to save from any online site. A menu will appear, asking if you wish to save the image to your Camera Roll. You can also email the image. You can use the settings to make the iPhone visually indicate when you have an incoming call or message. The LED camera can blink when you have something coming in, silently but noticeably. Simply go to Settings > General > Accessibility. Select "LED Flash" for your alerts. [http://avtolubitel.org/blog/24329/top-tips-for-maximizing-your-iphone-experience/ Check Out These Fantastic Iphone Tricks That Are Really Simple] After reading the above article, you should have a working knowledge of the iPhone's capabilities. It is time to purchase an iPhone. Use what you have learned here to master your phone and you won't want to let it go.
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Take A Look At These Handy Iphone Tips
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