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Using Your IPhone Is Easy With This Advice
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The iPhone has literally thousands of applications available, so anyone in your family will be able to have fun. Even elderly adults and young children are able to find applications that can entertain them. Review the piece below to gain greater knowledge about everything the iPhone can do. [http://atoz26.com/blog/view/27196/iphone-tips-to-help-you-make-the-most-of-it Learn How The Iphone Can Work For You] [http://avtolubitel.org/blog/24284/iphone-tips-to-help-you-make-the-most-of-it/ Using Your IPhone Is Easy With This Advice] If you want to browse the web with ease on the iPhone, try a larger keyboard. You can get this added value without purchasing an expensive accessory! The iPhone's own keyboard can be made bigger by rotating the phone sideways and tapping the Safari address bar. The keyboard will be bigger, and you will be able to type on it better. If your iPhone has been exposed to water, place it in a bowl of uncooked rice. There are many ways you may get your phone wet, such as puddles or toilets. Use a paper towel to wipe the phone, then place it in a rice packed bag. Use this as an alternative to a hair dryer. After several hours, the rice will have absorbed all of the water. Make navigation easier with your iPhone. You can use the map and GPS to receive directions to a particular location, and you can locate places like stores or fueling stations along your route, too. You can bookmark the map on your home screen to make it easy to access with just a tap. Are you sick of the constnt notifications you receive on your iPhone? There is a way you can shut them off. Go to settings, then select notifications. Review the applications listed below the heading "Notification Center." Take away anything you do not want to be there. Doing this will keep the life of your battery long. You may not realize how easily you can save an image from Safari or Mail. Press and hold on the image you wish to save. A box pops up with the save option. The iPhone has a nifty little feature where you can come up with your own shortcuts and dictionary. This helps the device recognize what you intend to type. For added efficiency, try programming your phone with your most commonly used phrases and shortcuts. As you type on the keyboard, mistakes will be automatically corrected. Hitting the "X" button when the AutoCorrect suggestion box comes up is not necessary. Instead, all you have to do is tap anywhere on the screen. This automatically closes the suggestion box and makes your life much easier. If you want to stay on top of your email, tag your account to your iPhone. This feature allows you to receive and view messages right away directly on your iPhone. It is possible to link multiple accounts or a single one. [http://printclaus67.mylivepage.com/blog/2095/63498_Using_Your_IPhone_Is_Easy_With_This_Advice Find The Iphone To Be Complicating? Read On] When attempting to write notes or emails and you don't want to be bothered by suggestions, you don't need to tap X to get rid of suggestions. By tapping on any other part of the screen, you can dismiss the suggestion box automatically. Since you have looked at this article, you are probably more aware of what great things can be done with the iPhone. As you become comfortable with these features, you can continue to learn more about your device. Use the tips you just read. You'll soon be able to impress your friends by using your iPhone in ways they don't expect.
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Using Your IPhone Is Easy With This Advice
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