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Learn How The Iphone Can Work For You
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The way the iPhone is programmed is incredible. It is easy to use and has many different applications. There are tons of additional, hidden features that can make your life a lot easier. The information in this article will help you figure out the best way to use your iPhone. If you get your iPhone wet, try to use rice when drying it out. You should of course avoid dropping your iPhone in water. Use a paper towel to wipe the phone, then place it in a rice packed bag. Use this as an alternative to a hair dryer. You will find that the phone is dry within hours, or perhaps by the next day. Not only can you take photos using your iPhone's volume buttons, you can also take photos with the buttons on your iPhone headphones. Steady your hands when snapping the picture, and then touch the cord's button. This will help you ensure you don't shake your phone and create a blurry picture. If you are working in Safari, it is simple to initiate a phone call with a simple touch. Perhaps you are searching for a local grocery store. This instantly transfers you to your your phone section, where the call will be made. Instead, tap on the phone number, and the call will immediately connect. [http://twinemile66.mylivepage.com/blog/2096/29489_Learn_How_The_Iphone_Can_Work_For_You Tricks And Tips On How To Maximize Your IPhone] Buy a screen protector for your iPhone. Without a protector, there will be scratches and nicks. It is easy for small particles on your fingers to create scratches. A screen protector is affordable and a worthwhile investment. If you download an application that will let you upload your files to the iPhone, you can utilize it as a device for storage. This makes uploading videos, pictures, music and text files much easier. You can access the files right from your iPhone, or by connecting the device to a computer. A terrific method of making the most of an iPhone is to use all of its media tools. Your iPhone can handle your entertainment needs. For example, you can download video clips or even your favorite movie or series. [http://atoz26.com/blog/view/27198/find-the-iphone-to-be-complicating-read-on IPhone: Tips To Help You Make The Most Of It] Use your iPhone to download yourself an app that enables you to upload any files you want onto your phone, this way you can use your iPhone as a file storage device. Whether you want to carry videos, music, photos or documents, you can easily put them on your phone. Then you have them available right on your phone, or you can connect and access them later on your computer. Try not to talk to your Siri function as often as you do if you are a very private type of person. Apple uses an internal server to hold and store the things you say to Siri. This helps them develop speech recognition programs, although it is important to understand that you may be recorded. [http://mike669.beeplog.com/blog.pl?blogid=375674 Find The Iphone To Be Complicating? Read On] Like many smartphones, you can set the iPhone to provide a visual indicator of incoming calls and messages. For a more stealthy notification, you can set the LED to blink, flash, and sometimes even go different colors. From Settings, go to General and then find Accessibility. Turn on "LED Flash for Alerts." After reading the information in this article, you know much more about using an iPhone. Now it's time to go out and buy one. You may find that it becomes a big part of your life with the information you learned in the article above.
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Learn How The Iphone Can Work For You
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