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Using Your IPhone Is Easy With This Advice
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Doesn't everyone have an iPhone? Although the iPhone is popular, it can be confusing. If you have not mastered your iPhone, keep reading. The piece that follows offers a bounty of tips that can help you develop into a skilled user. Your iPhone is like a small GPS. The iPhone has a great feature that integrates your phone software with GPS so you can see where you are at any given time, as long as you have service. Should you need to get home, or somewhere new, this feature is the key. If your iPhone has been exposed to water, place it in a bowl of uncooked rice. There are many ways you may get your phone wet, such as puddles or toilets. Use a paper towel to wipe the phone, then place it in a rice packed bag. Use this as an alternative to a hair dryer. After several hours, the rice will have absorbed all of the water. [http://yodaq.com/blogs/213651/324909/tricks-and-tips-on-how-to-maximi IPhone: Tips To Help You Make The Most Of It] Make navigation easier with your iPhone. You can use the map and GPS to receive directions to a particular location, and you can locate places like stores or fueling stations along your route, too. You can bookmark the map on your home screen to make it easy to access with just a tap. [http://people-time.com/blog/43224/iphone-tips-to-help-you-make-the-most-of-it/ Learn How The Iphone Can Work For You] Switching from web browsing to placing a call on your iPhone doesn't take more than a single tap. For instance, perhaps you are looking for a dry cleaner. When locating the number, you don't have to use the phone component to call them. Just tap on their number and you'll be connected to your desired business immediately. A lot of people with iPhones use Safari or Mail a lot without knowing how to save pictures from those. Tap on the image for a period of three seconds and it will give you the option to save it. The box that pops up will have options for manipulating the image. A terrific method of making the most of an iPhone is to use all of its media tools. You can download television shows, movies, and other video clips, so that your iPhone can be an entertainment device wherever you go. Use your iPhone to download yourself an app that enables you to upload any files you want onto your phone, this way you can use your iPhone as a file storage device. Whether you want to carry videos, music, photos or documents, you can easily put them on your phone. Then you have them available right on your phone, or you can connect and access them later on your computer. Try not to talk to your Siri function as often as you do if you are a very private type of person. Apple uses an internal server to hold and store the things you say to Siri. This helps them develop speech recognition programs, although it is important to understand that you may be recorded. [http://avtolubitel.org/blog/24138/iphone-tips-to-help-you-make-the-most-of-it/ Tricks And Tips On How To Maximize Your IPhone] When attempting to write notes or emails and you don't want to be bothered by suggestions, you don't need to tap X to get rid of suggestions. By tapping on any other part of the screen, you can dismiss the suggestion box automatically. Since you have looked at this article, you are probably more aware of what great things can be done with the iPhone. As you become comfortable with these features, you can continue to learn more about your device. Use the tips you just read. You'll soon be able to impress your friends by using your iPhone in ways they don't expect.
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Using Your IPhone Is Easy With This Advice
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