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Movie Review: The Change-Up (2011)<br><br>To say Sin City and 300 were visual game changers in film would be a major understatement. Their CGI was specifically tailored to reflect the films' comic book (yes, "comic strip", not "graphic novel") origins, definitely an otherworldly feel that is somewhat divorced from reality. Film is an escapist medium understanding that pioneering CGI did much to bolster that state of unreality. Immortals, directed by Tarsem Singh (The Cell), follows that trend. It is visually stunning and perhaps one of the better representations to move art in recent memory. Many scenes are shot as if they were paintings turn on. Rich tones of luminescent gold and vibrant crimson red dominate the film, with darkest marble and dark blue hues supplied on the other hand, especially to exhibit the difference between the divine (the Greek Gods) as well as the secular (humanity). However, this process works both for and against the film. Instead of a war of gods, were presented with a superhero comic book film dressed in mythological attire.<br><br>Widowed and disconnected from his arrogant children, Walter Kowalski (Eastwood) tries to maintain a semblance of normalcy in the wake of his wife's death and his awesome experiences within the Korean war. With his yellow Labrador Daisy as his only companion, he watches as increasing numbers of Hmong immigrants move into his neighborhood. Bigoted and isolated, he becomes insipid and contemptuous of his neighbors, the youngest that is 17-year old Thao. Interested in gardening and introspection, poor Thao is viciously pursued by his creepy cousin and the gun-wielding gang for his "initiation". Walter looks on until the gang attempts a theft of his most prized possession: his 1972 Gran Torino in perfect condition.<br><br>The color film process referred to as Technicolor took over as the most widely used in Hollywood right up from the early 1950's. The Technicolor process produced super-realistic, dazzling color that's used with spectacular success in films such as The Adventures of Robin Hood, Singin' In The Rain, The Wizard of Oz, and the animated Disney classics Fantasia, and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.<br><br>My the likelihood of these flights of fancy soon fade though - my driving improves, the suit is replaced with the more usual attire - and my wife's friends stop sniggering over their tea cups. That is before 'fierce roar' of this mighty car brings them rushing to the street thinking an all natural disaster is going to ensue. I cock a sideways glance, smile a suave smile then slip inconspicuously inside for my dinner. <br><br>Another movie that I would include about this list is Batman Returns. Prior to the newest installment of Batman films from director Christopher Nolan, it was the best movie starring the caped crusader. Michael Keaton stars as Batman, with Michelle Pfieffer as Catwoman, in addition to Danny De Vito as The Penguin.<br><br>my blog [http://www.boyaiter.com/marcwakef/all homepage]
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